North Evergreen Photo

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Site Updates!

I have reorganized the gallery, removing some old stuff, and adding a lot of new stuff. Feel free to browse through and enjoy, or not!

I will also be updating the store over the next few days, adding new products. That is especially important, since, as of august 31’st I am no longer employed. I have been tirelessly searching for new employment, but with a recession looming, it may not be the best time to find a job. I’ll not be dissuaded, however, I do have until January to find something before I have to give up and leave Toronto. I won’t be able to afford to live here without a reasonable income. I will be heading to Point Pelee this coming weekend to see what I can see, there may be a video.. but if there’s a lot of people there may not be. I hope there are some good photos though! I’m aiming to arrive early, maybe even for sunrise.. but we’ll see if I can haul my body out of bed in time to get there. it is roughly two hours away from here.